Prague Medical Report
is multidisciplinary biomedical journal published quarterly by the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague.

Prague Medical Report was founded as Sborník lékařský in May 1885. From 2004 is a fully reviewed scientific journal in English.

Volume 109 (2008) No. 2-3


Metabolic Syndrome (Does It Have a Common Denominator?)

Mourek J.

Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Physiology, Prague, Czech Republic

Faculty of Health and Social Studies, University Bohemiae Meridionalis in Ceske Budejovice, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic

Page: 97

Received: April 20, 2008; Accepted: December 8, 2008
Full version is available.

Minireview: Molecular Structure and Dynamics of Drug Targets

Dahl S. G., Sylte I.

Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Medical Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Troms ø, Norway

Page: 107

Received: June 10, 2008; Accepted: June 25, 2008
Full version is available.

Genomic Polymorphism and Sepsis – Is There a Reason for Optimism?

Průcha M.1, Zazula R.2, Peková S.1

1Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Hematology and Immunology, Na Homolce Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic;

2Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine and Thomayer’s Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Prague, Czech Republic

Page: 113

Received: June 25, 2008; Accepted: October 6, 2008
Full version is available.

Primary scientific studies

Comparisin of Low Energy Breakfast Based on Special Egg White Spread Product With a Standard Breakfast

Housová J.1, Matoulek M.1, Svačina S.1, Kýhos K.2, Slabá Š.1,Vavrejnová S.2, Ricarová B.3

1Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital, Third Medical Department, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Prague, Czech Republic;

2Food Research Institute, Prague, Czech Republic;

3Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, Department of Occupational Diseases, Prague, Czech Republic

Page: 127

Received: April 1, 2008; Accepted: October 6, 2008
Full version is available.

Stability of Free B-hCG in the Routine Screening of Down Syndrome in the First Trimester of Pregnancy

Springer D., Zima T., Arnoštová L.

Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital, Institute of Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics, Prague, Czech Republic

Page: 134

Received: May 21, 2008; Accepted: December 5, 2008
Full version is available.

Influence of Hydroxyapatite Crystallinity on the Growth of Keratinocytes

Seydlová M.1, Teuberová Z.2, Dostálová T.1, Kříž P.1,Dvořánková B.3, Smetana K., Jr3, Jelínek M.4, Kocourek T.4

1Charles University in Prague, Second Faculty of Medicine and Motol University Hospital, Department of Paediatric Stomatology, Prague, Czech Republic;

2Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, Department of Prosthodontics, Prague, Czech Republic;

3Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Anatomy,Prague, Czech Republic;

4Institute of Physics of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague,Czech Republic

Page: 142

Received: June 13, 2008; Accepted: December 15, 2008
Full version is available.

Quantitative Analysis of Procalcitonin After Pulmonary Endarterectomy in Relation to Cytokines and C-Reactive Protein

Maruna P.1, Lindner J.2, Kubzová K. M.2, Kunštýř J.3

1Institute of Pathological Physiology and Third Department of Internal Medicine, Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic;

2Second Surgical Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic;

3Department of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Medicine, Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic

Page: 149

Received: April 10, 2008; Accepted: December 8, 2008
Full version is available.

Advanced Oxidation Protein Products in Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Šonka K.1, Fialová L.3, Volná J.1, Jiroutek P.1, Vávrová J.1,Kemlink D.1, Pretl M.1, Kalousová M.2

1Department of Neurology, Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic;

2Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics, First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic;

3Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic

Page: 159

Received: March 31, 2008; Accepted: December 8, 2008
Full version is available.

Uterine Arteries Doppler Velocimetry Provides 3-years Follow up Endometrial Ablation Outcome

Kužel D.1, Tóth D.2, Fučíková Z.1, Bartošová L.1, Mára M.1,Hrušková H.1, Fanta M.1, Žižka Z.1, Sosna O.1, Kubínová K.1,A. Dohnalová3

1Charles University in Prague and the General Teaching Hospital, First Faculty of Medicine, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Prague, Czech Republic;

2Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Clinique St. Germaine, Brive La Gaillarde, France;

3Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Physiology, Department of Cybernetics, Prague, Czech Republic

Page: 166

Received: September 4, 2008; Accepted: December 3, 2008
Full version is available.

Internet Supported Standardized Patient Information for Selfcare

Seifert B.1, Kubu P.1, Struk P.2, Mucha C.1, Laňková J.1,Vojtíšková J.1, Zeman P.1

1Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, Institute of General Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic;

2Czech Medical Association of Jan Evangelista Purkyne, Czech Society of General Practice, Prague, Czech Republic

Page: 175

Received: June 9, 2008; Accepted: December 8, 2008
Full version is available.



Case reports

Prolonged Impairment of Polymorphonuclear Cells Functions in One Infant with Transient Zinc Deficiency: a Case Report

Honzík T.1, Magner M.1, Janda A.3, Bartůňková J.3,Polášková S.2, Zeman J.1

1Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital, Department of Paediatrics, Prague, Czech Republic;

2Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital, Department of Dermatology, Prague, Czech Republic;

3Charles University in Prague, Second Faculty of Medicine, Prague, Institute of Immunology, Prague, Czech Republic

Page: 184

Received: March 20, 2008; Accepted: October 6, 2008
Full version is available.

Unrecognized Primary Genital Herpes Infection (Case Report)

Záhumenský J.1, Holub M.2, Maxová K.1, Zmrhalová B.1, Halaška M.1

1Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, University Hospital Bulovka, Prague, Czech Republic;

2Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, University Hospital Bulovka, Prague, Czech Republic

Page: 194

Received: August 1, 2008; Accepted: October 6, 2008
Full version is available.

Ectopic Parathyroid Adenoma in Child

Libánský P.1, Astl J.2, Adámek S.1, Naňka O.3, Pafko P.1,Špačková J.4, Foltán R.5, Šedý J.5,6

1Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine and Teaching Hospital Motol, Third Department of Surgery, Prague, Czech Republic;

2Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine and Teaching Hospital Motol, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Prague, Czech Republic;

3Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Anatomy, Prague, Czech Republic;

4Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital, Department of Pathology, Prague, Czech Republic;

5Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, Department of Stomatology, Prague, Czech Republic;

6Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Experimental Medicine and Institute of Physiology, Prague, Czech Republic

Page: 200

Received: April 4, 2008; Accepted: December 10, 2008
Full version is available.


The Life-work of Prof. MUDr. Zdeněk Lojda, Dr.Sc., Dr. Med. et Iur. h.c.

Hach P.

Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Histology and Embryology

Page: 204

Received: October 22, 2008; Accepted: November 19, 2008
Full version is available.

Prague Medical Report

Current Issue Nr. 1-2/2014


Effects of a Single Dose of Erythropoietin on Motor Function and Cognition after Focal Brain Ischemia in Adult Rats

Are Serum Procalcitonin and Interleukin-1 Beta Suitable Markers for Diagnosis of Acute Pyelonephritis in Children?

Differential Expression of Inflammationrelated Genes after Intense Exercise

A Comparison between Transcutaneous and Total Serum Bilirubin in Healthy-term Greek Neonates with Clinical Jaundice

Effect of Amphetamine on Adult Male and Female Rats Prenatally Exposed to Methamphetamine

How Smoking Cessation Influence Hormonal Levels in Postmenopausal Women?

Acalculous Cholecystitis or Biliary Dyskinesia for Epstein-Barr Virus Gallbladder Involvement?

Treatment of a Superficial Mycosis by Low-temperature Plasma: A Case Report

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