Prague Medical Report
is multidisciplinary biomedical journal published quarterly by the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague.

Prague Medical Report was founded as Sborník lékařský in May 1885. From 2004 is a fully reviewed scientific journal in English.

Instructions to Authors

Prague Medical Report is an English multidisciplinary biomedical journal published quarterly by the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Prague. Prague Medical Report (Prague Med Rep) is indexed and abstracted by Index-medicus, MEDLINE, PubMed, and Scopus.

Articles issued in the journal

  1. Primary scientific studies on the medical topics (not exceeding 30 pages in standardized A4 format – i.e. 30 lines and 60–65 characters per line – including tables, graphs or illustrations).
  2. Short communications
  3. Case reports
  4. Reviews
  5. Lectures or discourses of great interest
  6. Information about activities of the First Faculty of Medicine and other associated medical or biological organizations

Layout of the manuscript

  1. Title of the study (brief and concise, without abbreviations)
  2. Information about the author(s) in the following form:
    • first name and surname of the author(s) (without scientific titles)
    • institution(s) represented by the author(s)
    • full corresponding (mailing) author’s reference address (including first name, surname and scientific titles, postal code, phone/fax number and e-mail)
  3. Abstract (maximum 250 words)
  4. Key words (4–6 terms)
  5. Running title (reduced title of the article that will appear at the footer (page break), not more than 50 typewritten characters including spaces)
  6. Introduction
    • The use of abbreviations should be restricted to SI symbols and those recommended by the IUPAC-IUB. Abbreviations should be defined in brackets on first appearance in the text. Standard units of measurements and chemical symbols of elements may be used without definition.
  7. Material and Methods
  8. Results
  9. Discussion
  10. Conclusion
  11. References
    • All the sources of relevant information for the study should be cited in the text (citations such as „personal communication“ or „confidential data“ are not accepted).
    • It is not permitted to cite any abstract in the References list.
    • References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper and typed double-spaced on separate pages. First and last page numbers must be given. Journal names should be abbreviated according to the Chemical Abstract Service Source Index. All co-authors should be listed in each reference (et al. cannot be used).

Examples of the style to be used are:

Yokoyama, K., Gachelin, G. (1991) An Abnormal signal transduction pathway in CD4–CD8– double-negative lymph node cells of MRL lpr/lpr mice. Eur. J. Immunol. 21, 2987-2992.

Loyd, D., Poole, R. K., Edwards, S. W. (1992) The Cell Division Cycle. Temporal Organization and Control of Cellular Growth and Reproduction. Academic Press, London

Teich, N. (1984) Taxonomy of retroviruses. In: RNA Tumor Viruses, eds. Weiss, R., Teich, N., Varmus, H., Coffin, J., pp. 25-207, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York.

References in the text should be cited as follows: two authors, Smith and Brown (1984) or (Smith and Brown, 1984); three or more authors, Smith et al. (1984) or (Smith et al., 1984). Reference to papers by the same author(s) in the same year should be distinguished in the text and in the reference list by lower-case letters, e.g. 1980a, or 1980a, b.
l/ tables, figures, illustrations, graphs, diagrams, photographs, etc. (incl. legends)

Technical instructions

  1. Manuscripts (in UK English only) must be delivered in the electronic form via Online Manuscript Submission and Tracking system ( In case of problems, contact the Prague Medical Report Office ( The online submission has to include the complete version of the article in PDF format, separately the manuscript as a MS Word file and a cover letter. The detailed version of the Instructions to Authors can be found at:
  2. Text should be written in MS WORD only. We accept only documents that have been spell-checked with UK English as a default language.
  3. Please, write your text in Times New Roman script, size 12, and line spacing 1.5.
  4. Text should be justified to the left, with no paragraph indent (use Enter key only); do not centre any headings or subheadings.
  5. Document must be paginated-numbered beginning with the title page.
  6. Tables and graphs should represent extra files, and must be paginated too.
  7. Edit tables in the following way: Make a plain text, indent by Tab (arrow key) all the data belonging to a line and finish the line by Enter key. For all the notes in table, use letter x, not *.
  8. Make your graphs only in black-and-white. Deliver them in electronic form in TIFF or JPG format only.
  9. Deliver illustrations and pictures (in black-and-white) in TIFF or JPG format only. The coloured print is possible and paid after agreement with the Prague Medical Report Office.
  10. Mark all the pictures with numbers; corresponding legend(s) should be delivered in an extra file. Mark the position of every picture (photo) in the manuscript by the corresponding number, keep the order 1, 2, 3...

Author's Declaration

The corresponding (or first author) of the manuscript must print, fill and sign by his/her own hand the Authors Declaration and fax it (or send by post) to the Prague Medical Report Office. Manuscript without this Declaration cannot be published. The Authors’ Declaration can be found by visiting our web pages: or web pages of Prague Medical Report Online Manuscript Submission and Tracking system: .

Editorial procedure

Each manuscript is evaluated by the editorial board and by a standard referee (at least two expert reviews are required). After the assessment the author is informed about the result. In the case the referee requires major revision of the manuscript, it will be sent back to the author to make the changes. The final version of the manuscript undergoes language revision and together with other manuscripts, it is processed for printing.

Concurrently, proofs are electronically sent (in PDF format) to the corresponding (mailing) author. Author is to make the proofs in PDF paper copy and deliver it back to the editorial office by fax or as a scanned file by e-mail. Everything should be done in the required time. Only corrections of serious errors, grammatical mistakes and misprints can be accepted. More extensive changes of the manuscript, inscriptions or overwriting cannot be accepted and will be disregarded. Proofs that are not delivered back in time cannot be accepted.

Editorial Office
Prague Medical Report
Kateřinská 32
121 08 Prague 2
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 224 964 570. Fax: +420 224 964 574

Prague Medical Report

Current Issue Nr. 1-2/2014


Effects of a Single Dose of Erythropoietin on Motor Function and Cognition after Focal Brain Ischemia in Adult Rats

Are Serum Procalcitonin and Interleukin-1 Beta Suitable Markers for Diagnosis of Acute Pyelonephritis in Children?

Differential Expression of Inflammationrelated Genes after Intense Exercise

A Comparison between Transcutaneous and Total Serum Bilirubin in Healthy-term Greek Neonates with Clinical Jaundice

Effect of Amphetamine on Adult Male and Female Rats Prenatally Exposed to Methamphetamine

How Smoking Cessation Influence Hormonal Levels in Postmenopausal Women?

Acalculous Cholecystitis or Biliary Dyskinesia for Epstein-Barr Virus Gallbladder Involvement?

Treatment of a Superficial Mycosis by Low-temperature Plasma: A Case Report

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