Prague Medical Report
is multidisciplinary biomedical journal published quarterly by the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague.

Prague Medical Report was founded as Sborník lékařský in May 1885. From 2004 is a fully reviewed scientific journal in English.

Prague Medical Report/Vol.105 (2004) No.2



Plasticity of the Brain in Neuroontogenesis page 097
Trojan S., Langmeier M., Marešová D., Mourek J., Pokorný J.
Microsatellite Markers in Breast Cancer Studies page 111
Janatova M., Pohlreich P.
Primary scientific studies
Effect of Selenium Pre-treatment on Evoked Cortical Afterdischarges in Young Rats page 119
Marešová D., Trojan S.
Electrocardiographic Body Surface Maps (BSM) in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease Examined by Coronary Angiography

page 131

Valouch P., Slavíček J., Tichý J. A., Peterka Z., Kittnar O., Trojan S., Trefný Z., Novák V.
Morphology 2003 / 41st Symposium of the Czech Anatomical Society with International Participation page 141
105th Birth Anniversary of Professor František Pór, M.D. page 209
Mydlík M., Derzsiová K., Jiroušková M.
Instructions for Autors page 215


Plasticity of the Brain in Neuroontogenesis
Fulltext is available HERE

Trojan S., Langmeier M., Marešová D., Mourek J., Pokorný J.
Institute of Physiology of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic 
Key words: Neuroplasticity - Evolutional plasticity - Reactive plasticity - Adaptational plasticity - Reparation plasticity - Critical periods. 

Microsatellite Markers in Breast Cancer Studies
Fulltext is available HERE

Janatová M., Pohlreich P.
Department of Biochemistry and Experimental Oncology of the First faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic  

Key words: Breast chancer - Loss of heterozygosity - Microsatellite instability

Effect of Selenium Pre-treatment on Evoked CorticalAfterdischarges in Young Rats
Fulltext is available HERE

Marešová D., Trojan S.
Department of Physiology of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic 
Key words: Selenium - Evoked cortical afterdischarges - Hypoxia - Young rats 
Electrocardiographic Body Surface Maps (BSM) in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease Examined by Coronary Angiography
Fulltext is available HERE

Valouch P.1, Slavíček J.2, Tichý J. A.1, Peterka Z.3, Kittnar O.2, Trojan S.2, Trefný Z.1, Novák V.2
1Institute of Civilization Diseases;
2Institute of Physiology of the First Medical Faculty, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic;
3Central Military Hospital, Prague, Czech republic 

Key words: ECG- VCG- body surface maps-ischemic heart disease- coronary angiography 

Morphology 2003
41st Symposium of the Czech Anatomical Society with International Participation
Summary: Last year, the regular yearly morphological meeting was held at Hradec Králové at September 15 to 16, 2003. The meeting took place on the premises and under auspices of Faculty of Medicine (Department of Anatomy, Department of Histology and Embryology) and Faculty of Pharmacy (Department of Biology and Medical Sciences) in Hradec Králové, Charles University in Prague. Scientific programme, subdivided into two paralleling sections was devoted to both the systemic anatomy and to the clinical and experimental morphology. It comprised of 43 oral and 50 poster presentations from 132 participants (including 40 of them from abroad). Computer imaging methods and technical achievements were discussed at Workshop „Digital Image Processing“. Parallel with this Symposium at the same venue, the 40th Symposium of the Czech Society of Histo- and Cytochemistry with International Participation „Progress in Basic, Applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry“ was held. This simultaneous arrangement proved to be advantageous especially for those who use histochemical methods in morphological research.
105th Birth Anniversary of Professor František Pór, M.D.
Fulltext is available HERE

Mydlík M.1, Derzsiová K.1, Jiroušková M.2
1Nephrological Clinic of the Medical Faculty of P. J. Šafárik University and the Faculty Hospital of L.Pasteur, Košice, Slovak Republic;
2Club of History of Medicine of the Eastern Slovakian Museum, Košice, Slovak Republic 
Key words: Professor F. Pór, M.D. – Well-known Slovak physician – Founder of the Internal Clinic in Košice and of Eastern Slovakian Medical Meetings – Nový Smokovec – The High Tatras, Slovak 

Prague Medical Report

Current Issue Nr. 1-2/2014


Effects of a Single Dose of Erythropoietin on Motor Function and Cognition after Focal Brain Ischemia in Adult Rats

Are Serum Procalcitonin and Interleukin-1 Beta Suitable Markers for Diagnosis of Acute Pyelonephritis in Children?

Differential Expression of Inflammationrelated Genes after Intense Exercise

A Comparison between Transcutaneous and Total Serum Bilirubin in Healthy-term Greek Neonates with Clinical Jaundice

Effect of Amphetamine on Adult Male and Female Rats Prenatally Exposed to Methamphetamine

How Smoking Cessation Influence Hormonal Levels in Postmenopausal Women?

Acalculous Cholecystitis or Biliary Dyskinesia for Epstein-Barr Virus Gallbladder Involvement?

Treatment of a Superficial Mycosis by Low-temperature Plasma: A Case Report

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