Reviews |
Restless Legs Syndrome in 2004 |
page 337 |
Šonka K., Kemlink D. |
Primary scientific studies
Axosomatic Synapses on Granule Cells are Preserved in Human Non-infiltrating Tumour or Lesion-related and Mesial Temporal Sclerotic Epilepsy, but Markedly Reduced in Tumour-infiltrated Dentate Gyrus with or without Epilepsy |
page 357 |
Seress L., Ábrahám H., Dóczi T., Pokorný J. , Klemm J., Bakay R. A. |
Model of Neural Circuit Comparing Static and Adaptive Synapses |
page 369 |
Kuriščák E., Maršálek P. |
Changes of Evoked Epileptic Seizures after the Short Term Hypobaric Hypoxia in the Young Rats |
page 381 |
Marešová D. |
Development of Third Molar in the Czech Population |
page 391
Rozkovcová, E., Marková, M., Láník, J., Zvárová, J. |
Memoirs |
Two endocrinological anniversaries |
page 423
Svačina Š., Sucharda P. |
New Instruction for Autors
page 432 |
Annual Contents
page 435 |
Annual Nominal Index
page 438 |
Restless Legs Syndrome in 2004
Fulltext is available HERE
Šonka K., Kemlink D. Department of neurology of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Key words: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) – Dopamine – Iron – L-DOPA – Opiates – Periodic limb movements in sleep (PLMS) – Genetics
Axosomatic Synapses on Granule Cells are Preserved in Human Non-infiltrating Tumour or Lesion-related and Mesial Temporal Sclerotic Epilepsy, but Markedly Reduced in Tumour-infiltrated Dentate Gyrus with or without Epilepsy
Fulltext is available HERE
Seress L.1, Ábrahám H.1, Dóczi T.2, Pokorny J.3, Klemm J.4, Bakay R. A.4 1Central Electron Microscopic Laboratory of Faculty of Medicine, University of Pécs, Hungary; 2Department of Neurosurgery of Faculty of Medicine, University of Pécs, Hungary; 3Institute of Physiology of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Czeh Republic; 4Department of Neurosurgery, Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois USA Key words: Hippocampus – Perisomatic inhibition – Epilepsy – Neuropatology
Model of Neural Circuit Comparing Static and Adaptive Synapses
Fulltext is available HERE
Kuriščák E.1, Maršálek P.2,3 1Department of Physiology of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic; 2Department of Pathological Physiology of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic; 3Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Key words: Adaptive synapses – Dynamic synapses - Network dynamic – Memory
Changes of Evoked Epileptic Seizures after the Short Term Hypobaric Hypoxia in the Young Rats Fulltext is available HERE
Marešová D. Department of Physiology of tjhe First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic Key words: Hypobaric hypoxia - Epileptic seizures - Young rats - Postictal depression
Development of Third Molar in the Czech Population Fulltext is available HERE
Rozkovcová E.1, Marková M.1, Láník J.2, Zvárová J.3 1Department of Stomatology of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, and General Teaching Hospital, Czech Republic; 2Private dental practice, Prague 6, Czech Republic; 3Euro MISE Centre UK and AV CR, Prague, Czech Republic
Key words: Third molar development – Indicators of development – Dental age Two Endocrinological Anniversaries Fulltext is available HERE
Svačina Š., Sucharda P. |